After four long months the Library has reopened! Our hours are limited for now, but we will be adding more hours as we get closer to the start of fall semester. We have been busy reconfiguring spaces and services to meet the campus guidelines for social distancing to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. We have tried to keep everything as normal as possible, but some services have had to be temporarily suspended or will be operating with some restrictions. Please stop in and help us test everything out. 

As we’ve all learned over the past few months, situations can change quickly and we may need to adapt our services. The best way to keep up-to-date is to subscribe to this #LibraryNews blog or follow us on Facebook 

What’s different: 

  • Building AccessIn line with campus policy, access will be restricted to current members of the Loras College community. Most visitors and external card holders will not be allowed to access the building. We continue to serve all of our users electronically.
  • Face coverings/Social distancingAll Library patrons are expected to wear a face covering in the Library and respect social distancing. The Library staff is rearranging and removing furniture to accommodate social distancing guidelines.  
  • Building and Room capacitiesThe capacity of the Library building as a whole will be reduced and monitored and there will be capacity notices on enclosed study areas. 
  • Book/DVD returnMaterials are to be returned in the outside drop-box only. Items will be quarantined for 72 hours after return, and will remain ‘checked out’ during this time. If a book is removed from a Library shelf and not borrowed, it will be handled as a returned item and be quarantined for 72 hours.
  • ReservesThere will be no Library reserves during fall 2020. However, we are available to work with any faculty to provide electronic access to needed course materials. Email to get started. 
  • DVDsThe Education Media collection and the Wilkie Classic Film collection will be closed to in-person browsing and selection by patrons. DVDs can be requested for check-out via the Request a Book or DVD from Our Collection form 
  • No-Contact checkoutWe have developed a no-contact checkout procedure for patrons in the building checking out books. We will also continue remote no-contact checkout for books and DVDs through the end of the 2020. Use the Request a Book or DVD from Our Collection form 

Please let us know if you have any questions!