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Open Education Week 2024

by Mary Anderson on 2024-03-04T07:00:00-06:00 | 0 Comments

A blue and white logo for Open Education Week, March 4-8, 2024Since 2012, every March Open Education Global hosts a week-long event called Open Education Week. Its goal is to raise awareness and celebrate the impact of open education on teaching and learning worldwide.

Open Education Resources (OER) include a wide array of materials – textbooks, lecture notes, interactive modules, and even entire courses – that are freely accessible and openly licensed. These resources are designed to be used, shared, and modified without financial or legal barriers.

By providing free access to high-quality learning materials, OER democratizes education. This equal access is essential to student success. OER’s flexibility also allows for modifications of materials to better reflect diverse learners and perspectives.

Open Education Week is not just a celebration but also a call to action. It is a reminder that education is a fundamental human right (Article 26, Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and thus it is essential to ensure its accessibility and affordability for everyone.

To learn more about OER at Loras check out our OER Research Guide or talk to one of the librarians.

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