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Women’s History Month 2024

by Mary Anderson on 2024-03-11T12:07:00-05:00 | 0 Comments

2024 WHM Theme - National Women's History Alliance

As we observe Women's History Month this year, we honor the courageous women who have worked tirelessly for diversity, equity, and inclusion. We recognize individuals who have spoken out against discrimination and injustice, amplifying the voices of the marginalized. Through their activism and advocacy, they have pushed for systemic change and led the way for progress in all spheres of life. While there are countless women who could be mentioned, we will highlight just a few here.

Angela Davis is a scholar, advocate, and author whose work challenges systemic oppression and advocates for vulnerable communities. She focuses on issues of civil rights, feminism, and prison reform, emphasizing the intersections of race, gender, and class and highlighting the importance of solidarity in achieving social justice.

Dolores Huerta is a civil rights leader who co-founded the United Farm Workers union with Cesar Chavez. Her grassroots organizing efforts helped bring about significant gains in labor rights, particularly among farmworkers, immigrants, and women.  

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a pioneering figure in the fight for gender equality within the legal system. As the second woman on the Supreme Court, her landmark opinions and dissents, particularly in relation to civil liberties, have shaped the course of American law, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.

Marsha P. Johnson was a transgender activist and prominent figure in the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Her leadership, particularly during the Stonewall Riots, helped mobilize the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement, paving the way for progress and visibility for transgender and non-binary individuals.

Billie Jean King is a tennis legend renowned not only for her achievements on the court but also for her efforts in promoting gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights. Her work has helped break down barriers and challenged discriminatory practices within athletic institutions.

Elizabeth Peratrovich was a civil rights leader of Tlingit descent, whose advocacy led to the passage of the Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945 in Alaska, making it the first state to outlaw racial discrimination. Her efforts opened the way for greater recognition and rights for Indigenous communities.

Greta Thunberg is a global activist for climate action, despite her young age. Her advocacy exemplifies the intersectionality of social and environmental justice, highlighting the importance of inclusive solutions that address the needs of all communities, particularly those most susceptible to the impacts of climate change.

Alice Wong is a leading voice in the disability rights movement and founder of the Disability Visibility Project. She has dedicated her life to challenging ableism and fighting for greater accessibility, inclusion, and representation for disabled people in all aspects of society.

Malala Yousafzai is a courageous supporter for girls' education. Despite an assassination attempt and continued threats from extremists, Malala remains committed to promoting equality and inclusivity through education.

To learn more about these women and others dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, please visit our book display on the third floor. Together, let us honor legacies of these women by striving for a more just and inclusive society for all.

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