While you browsed the poster presentations at yesterday's Legacy Symposium, you may have noticed some display cases containing articles and books that Loras faculty and staff members have published during the past year. Did you have a chance to congratulate them on their achievement? In case you missed it, here is the list:
Beck, Robert R. (Religious Studies, 1981-2010)
Sunday Homilies – Liturgical Year Cycle C 2016. Dubuque, IA: Loras College Press, 2018.
Bolton, Joshua P. (Public Relations, 2017- )
With Benjamin R. Warner, Josh C. Bramlett, S. Hoeun, D. I. Manik. "Presidential Primary Debates Compared: Timing and Size as Moderators of Debate Effects." Argumentation & Advocacy, 54, 2018, 122-138.
With Freddie J. Jennings, Calvin R. Coker, Josh C. Bramlett, Joel Lansing Reed. "Late Night with Donald Trump: An Exploration of the Combined Effects of Political Comedy and Political Advertising." In An Unprecedented Election: Media, Communication, and the Electorate in the 2016 Campaign, eds. B. R. Warner, D. G. Bystrom, M. S. McKinney, M. C. Banwart. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2018.
With Benjamin R. Warner, Freddie J. Jennings, Josh C. Bramlett, Calvin R. Coker, Joel Lansing Reed. "A Multimedia Analysis of Persuasion in the 2016 Presidential Election: Comparing the Unique and Complementary Effects of Political Comedy and Political Advertising." Mass Communication and Society, 21/6, Nov-Dec 2018, 720-741.
Bowman, Mary Jo (Lab Technician, 2013- )
With Erin C. Tracy, Ravendra K. Pandey, Heinz Baumann. "Cell-Specific Retention and Action of Pheophorbide-Based Photosensitizers in Human Lung Cancer Cells." Photochemistry and Photobiology, 31 October 2018. https://doi.org/10.1111/php.13043
Budzisz, Christopher (Politics, 2000- )
"After the Irish Referendum: What It Means for Ireland." Commonweal, August 10, 2018, 8-10.
Ciapalo, Roman T. (Philosophy, 1982- )
"The Obligations of Journalists." Telegraph Herald [Dubuque], 8 July 2018.
Clark, Naomi (English, Writing Center, 2014- )
"The Limitations of Choice: Toward a New Materialist Reading of ‘Mommy War’ Rhetorics." In Networked Humanities: Within and Without the University, eds. Jeff Rice, Brian McNely. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2018. 157-181.
"Circulation Across Structural Holes: Reverse Black Boxing the Emergence of Religious Right Networks in the 1970s." In Circulation, Writing, and Rhetoric, Eds. Laurie E. Gries, Collin Gifford Brooke. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2018. 152-169.
Cochran, David (Politics, 1996- )
"The Hidden Success of the 1928 Peace Pact." Waging Nonviolence: People-Powered News & Analysis, July 26, 2018; https://wagingnonviolence.org/feature/hidden-success-kellogg-briand-peace-pact
“The Irish Revolution's Overlooked History of Nonviolent Resistance.” Waging Nonviolence: People-Powered News & Analysis, January 20, 2019. http://wagingnonviolence.org/feature/irish-revolution-overlooked-history-nonviolent-resistance/
Davis, Thomas A. (Biology, 1989- )
"Prothonotary Warbler Artificial Nest Box Productivity in a Northern Illinois Floodplain Forest." Passenger Pigeon, 80/3, Fall 2018, 179-187.
Garrett, Matthew (Physical Education and Sports Studies, 2005- )
"University of Nike: How Corporate Cash Bought American Higher Education" [book review]. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, Volume 12, 2019.
Idziak, Janine Marie (Philosophy, 1984-2017)
“Responding to Requests for Physician-Assisted Suicide.” The Witness, 98/23, June 24, 2018, 3.
With Fred Schnee. "A Genetic Defense for Murder?" National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, May 24, 2018; http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/cs/collection/detail.asp?case_id=991&id=991
Kallback, Brian J. (Finance, 2017- )
With Ellen Pinnola. "Easier 'Adulting' Through Plan Design." Plan Consultant, Fall 2018, 74-75.
"Being Impactful is Being Active." Biz Times [Dubuque Telegraph Herald], October 2018, 21-22.
“When You Assume...Well, You Know the Rest.” Plan Consultant, Spring 2018, 51-52.
“’Enuf’s Enuf’ - It’s Time to Learn about Blockchain.” Plan Consultant, Spring 2018, 34-40.
"Do We Make Smart Decisions When Drinking from a Firehose?" Plan Consultant, Winter 2019, 64-65.
“’We May Want More Synapses!’” Plan Consultant, Summer 2018, 64-66.
“Symbioses of the Financial Planning Profession.” Biz Times [Dubuque Telegraph Herald], 5 April 2018, A22.
Koch, Kevin (English, 1983- )
The Thin Places: A Celtic Landscape from Ireland to the Driftless. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2018.
"On the Rare Prairie: 17,000 Years Ago, the Sand Prairie at Spring Green Preserve Was Formed." Telegraph Herald [Dubuque], October 7, 2018, 5C.
"A Confluence of Nature & History [Wyalusing State Park]." Telegraph Herald [Dubuque], August 5, 2018, C5.
“A Hike Back in Time.” Telegraph Herald [Dubuque], April 1, 2018, C5.
"Portage: A Family, A Canoe, and the Search for the Good Life, by Sue Leaf" [book review]. Middle West Review, 4/2, Spring 2018, 85-88.
“A Landing Spot for Wildlife and Humans.” Telegraph Herald [Dubuque], December 9, 2018, C8.
“Stories from the Landscape: Glacier-Made Trails and Habitat Mark Kettle Moraine State Forest in Wisconsin.” Telegraph Herald [Dubuque], February 10, 2019, 5C.
"'Sacred Lands' of the Portage Preserve." Telegraph Herald [Dubuque], June 17, 2018, 5C.
Kohlhaas, Jacob (Religious Studies, 2014- )
“What is Grace? (Glad You Asked).” US Catholic, Vol. 83, no. 3, March 2018, 49.
“The Character of Virtue, by Stanley Hauerwas" [book review]. US Catholic, Vol. 83, no. 6, June 2018, 41.
“What is Natural Law? (Glad You Asked).” US Catholic, Vol. 83, no. 7, July 2018, 49.
With Christoffer Lammer-Heindel. "Science and Religion: A Pedagogical Perspective." Religious Studies Review, 44/4, December 2018, 365-371.
Lammer-Heindel, Christoffer (Philosophy, 2012- )
With Jacob Kohlhaas. "Science and Religion: A Pedagogical Perspective." Religious Studies Review, 44/4, December 2018, 365-371.
Lorenz, Amy (Graduate Programs Dir., 1991- )
"Lent: Literature." In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, volume 16, eds. Christine Helmer, Steven Linn McKenzie, Thomas C. Romer, Jens Schroter, Barry Dov Walfish, Eric Ziolkowski. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2018.
Marx-Scheuerell, Anne (Physical Education and Sports Studies 2011- )
With David B. Marx. "An Examination of MLB Play Call Challenges." Baseball Research Journal, 48/1, Spring 2019, 49-52.
Maslowsky, Edward (Chemistry, 1974-2016)
Vibrational Spectra of Organometallics: Theoretical and Experimental Data. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2019.
McLaughlin, Kenneth W. (Physics and Engineering, 1998- )
With Janak Panthi. "Perturbations Observed in the Orbital Elements of the Spectroscopic Binary 57 Cygni." Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science, 125/1, 2019.
Pollock, James (English, 2002- )
"Radio," "My Grandmother's Bible," "Sailing to Babylon," "Prague." In The Next Wave: An Anthology of 21st Century Canadian Poetry, Jim Johnstone, ed., Windsor, ON: Palimpsest Press, 2018.
Roseliep, Raymond (English, 1946-1952; 1954-1965)
The Collected Haiku of Raymond Roseliep. Eds. Randy and Shirley Brooks. Taylorville, IL: Brooks Books, 2018.
Saulnier, Jennifer (Instructional Services Librarian, 2016-2018)
With Teagan Eastman, Kati Richardson. "Ask a Catbrarian: Marketing Library Services Using a Cat." Marketing Libraries Journal, vol. 2 no. 1, August 2018, 24-30.
Schnee, Fred B. (Biology, 1990- )
With Andrea Bixler. "The Effects of the Timing of Exposure to Cadmium on the Oviposition Behavior of Drosophila melanogaster." Biometals, October 8, 2018, published online. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10534-018-0148-9
With Janine M. Idziak. "A Genetic Defense for Murder?" National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, May 24, 2018; http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/cs/collection/detail.asp?case_id=991&id=991
Smith, Kristen L. (Library, 1984- )
"The Policeman's Daughter" [book review]. Library Journal, 143/12, July 1, 2018, 40.
Tringale, Allison M. (Business Administration, 2018- )
With Leanne E. Atwater, Rachel E. Sturm, Scott N. Taylor, Phillip W. Braddy. "Looking Ahead: How What We Know About Sexual Harassment Now Informs Us of the Future." Organizational Dynamics, 2018.
VanLaningham, Erin (English, 2011- )
“Exploring Vocation in Honors Education.” September 11, 2018, Vocation Matters. https://vocationmatters.org/2018/09/11/exploring-vocation-in-honors-education/
“Finding Vocation in the New York Times.” November 20, 2018, Vocation Matters. https://vocationmatters.org/2018/11/20/finding-vocation-in-the-new-york-times/
“'Learning to Do it Well': Life, Love and Work in Middlemarch.” December 18, 2018, Vocation Matters. https://vocationmatters.org/2018/12/18/life-love-and-work-in-middlemarch/
“The Cartography of Vocation.” October 24, 2018, Vocation Matters. https://vocationmatters.org/2018/10/24/the-cartography-of-vocation/
Waldmeir, John C. (Religious Studies, 1997- )
In-Between Identities: Signs of Islam in Contemporary American Writing. Leiden: Brill, 2018.
Woerdehoff, Valorie Broadhurst (Publications; Marketing; Grant-writing, 1994-2018)
With Connie R. Meester. Tsugigami: Gathering the Pieces; Rengay and Linked Verse. Winchester, VA: Red Moon Press, 2018.