heidi pettittThe mission of the Loras College Library is to be a “welcoming center dedicated to fostering the intellectual development and personal growth of the Loras Community”. Library staff strive to provide the best service to our patrons. Building trust is a large component in assisting patrons with their needs. In order to build this trust we will be spotlighting our library staff in a series of posts so that patrons can get to know the staff members of the Loras Library.  
This week’s post is about our Access Services and Special Collections librarian who is also serving as the interim Director of the Center for Dubuque History, Heidi Pettitt.

How can you assist students?
I can help with all aspects of the research process from turning an idea into questions, narrowing those questions into a thesis, finding resources to answer those questions, and analyzing and citing your sources. I can also help students with primary source research into the history of Dubuque and the college.

How long have you worked at Loras?
I have been working at Loras and in the Library for 13 years.

Why did you choose the Library as a career/vocation?
My family will tell you I was destined to become a librarian from a very young age, but I decided to be a rebel and work with horses instead. After a few years of working in barns, I realized that while I loved working in barns, I loved researching and studying more. After some additional career exploration, I realized being a librarian would allow me to do the things I liked to do in a job – answer questions and organize things. While there are many highlights in my career, some of my favorite memories are of helping a student who is stuck find the information they need to create a successful project.

What is a book you would recommend? 
There are so many excellent books in this library and the world, but I have to recommend Terrier and Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce.