How can you assist students?
I’m happy to help with any part of a research project, whether it’s just getting started, finding an elusive source, or just being someone to bounce some ideas off.
How long have you worked at Loras?
I started October 1st. I’m brand new to Loras!
Why did you choose the Library as a career/vocation?
I began working in libraries as an undergraduate and then continued all through graduate school. After almost a decade of teaching Christian history to undergraduates, I got my MLIS and returned to the library. I love teaching, working with undergraduates, and understanding how people find, use, and create information.
What is a book you would recommend?
For a quick study break, check out P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever (call number: PreK12 Picture H12). It is the book I always intended to write about the craziness of the English language, but someone beat me to it.