adulting series imageMore Learning! The Library is coordinating an new learning opportunity: The Adulting Series – Using the Applied Digital Skills from Google for Education platform you’ll learn skills you’ll need for school and your future career. Access the three courses digitally and work at your own pace through the lessons. Courses will be available from October 1 through November 30. Loras Students completing all three courses in the Adulting Series will be entered in a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift certificate!

Use Google to Get a New Job - How to Conduct a successful job search using digital tools.
Communicating Effectively at Work - Learn how to Communicate and collaborate with others in the workplace more effectively using digital tools.
Give and Receive Feedback - Learn to give and receive written feedback effectively.
To sign up:
1.    Go to
2.    Click "Sign in" in the top right
3.    Sign in with your Google account, or create a new one
4.    Click "I am a student"
5.    Click "Join a class" and enter class code g356jp

Contact for more information.