When we say that a database is "on trial," it means that we are giving it a try for a limited time, to see if we like it and find it useful for our many researchers.

Right now we have the database Government, Politics, and Law on trial. Why use it? Well, it contains more than 50 million pages of content covering political science, criminal justice, history, civil and human rights, and many other related subject areas.

Remember I mentioned "a limited time"? That's right, the clock is ticking. This "trial" will wind down at the end of the semester. Give it a try! If you do use it and want to share some feedback, shoot me an email at kristen.smith@loras.edu.

Why use this database?
This collection of databases is comprised of more than 50 million pages of content covering political science, criminal justice, history, civil and human rights, and many other subject areas.