After many years of staffing the Research Help Center, we have decided to do away with the Center and offer a single point of service in the library. Now to get research help or help with any of the Library's resources, students and faculty can just stop at the Check-out Desk and a friendly Librarian will be happy to help. Of course you can still connect with us by chat, email, and phone.

Even better, schedule an appointment with a Librarian. Tell us about your project and we'll come armed with all sorts of information to help you. Appointments can be in-person or in an online meeting room and we will be available to meet with you from 8 am to 9 pm.  Go to Meet with a Librarian, to schedule a focused and convenient research help appointment.

Are you concerned about your students’ research? Research appointments with a librarian are a great way to help your students improve and get personalized strategies for their projects. Some faculty find it useful to require (or give extra credit for) scheduling these appointments. We’d be happy to work with you on this.