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Religious and Theological Studies

Research guide for the study of religion and theology.

Wisdom of the Prophets

This webpage was put together by the students of Professor Waldmeir's Biblical Prophets course.

Wisdom of the Prophets Fall 2014

Biblical Prophecy

Prophecy: An Overview

  • What makes prophecy credible? This page defines biblical prophecy, explains the elements of true prophecy, as well as gives a brief overview of the Nothern and Southern prophets of Israel and Judah in the Old Testament.

Northern Kingdom

  • With a summary of the history of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, this page also quickly explains some key features to the two most important Northern prophets: Amos and Hosea.


  • Who was the prophet Amos, how is the book organized, what were some of his prominent messages from God, and what was the historical context of this time?


  • Who was the prophet Hosea, and what were his key messages as a prophet of the Lord?

Southern Kingdom

  • With a history of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, this page also briefly explains the key features of the three main Southern prophets: Jeremiah, Isaiah II, and Ezekiel.


  • Who was the prophet Jeremiah, what are some key themes in the book, and how is the book structured?

Isaiah II

  • Who was the prophet Isaiah II, how was he different than the other two authors of the book of Isaiah, what were his key themes, and what historical events are necessary to know for a better understanding of the book? 


  • Who was the prophet Ezekiel, what was his message, and why is the passage of the Dry Bones so important?


Timeline of Kings and Prophets

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Unless otherwise noted, the content of these guides by Loras College Library, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Some icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.