Information literacy, as one of five Life-Long Learning Skills identified at Loras College, is mapped across Loras students’ academic careers, introduced and reinforced through assignments and instruction both in the Library and in the general classroom. The ability to identify an information need, access, evaluate, and use information to accomplish a specific purpose, and understand and apply information ethics all assist Loras College graduates to become active learners, reflective thinkers, ethical decision-makers, and responsible contributors.
The intention of this information literacy assessment plan is threefold: to provide a tool for measuring and improving Loras College students’ information literacy, to strengthen the Loras College Library’s information literacy efforts through focused and intentional outcome- and evidence-based changes, and to provide a framework for sharing assessment data and findings both within the Library, and with the larger Loras community.
As a practical guide for formative and summative assessment, this document will facilitate ongoing discussion and development of the Library instruction program, assist with the process of streamlining assessment within Library instruction activities, and situate Library instructional efforts within the mission and context of the Loras College curriculum, with the ultimate goal of improving student learning outcomes.
Megan Oakleaf (2009) has outlined a model for information literacy assessment in higher education called the Information Literacy Instruction Assessment Cycle (ILIAC), which closely aligns with our IL program design process thus far, and which would assist us in moving forward with assessment. We will attempt to follow the iterative process of ILIAC in this way:
Stage 1: Review learning goals
Stage 1 will be performed periodically, ideally each summer. While the rubric should be reviewed each year, it may not always require revisions.
Stage 2: Identify learning outcomes
Stage 2 will be performed periodically, ideally each summer. While the learning outcomes/skills should be reviewed each year, they may not always require revision.
Stage 3: Create learning activities
Stage 3 will be performed as-needed. New learning activities should be developed each semester and during the summer in response to changing student needs and interests, shifts in learning outcomes, and inspiration.
Stage 4: Enact learning activities
Stage 4 will be performed whenever Library instruction sessions are taught.
Stage 5: Gather data to check learning
Stage 5 will be performed as responses for each of these separate tools are collected (e.g. after each instruction session). LILT will be administered and results collected once each year (preferably in the fall toward the end of the semester).
Stage 6: Interpret data
Stage 6 will be performed once each semester, and once each year for LILT. The Instruction Services Librarian will analyze the quiz, student feedback, and faculty feedback results. All librarians (and possibly also faculty) will collaboratively evaluate the MOI worksheets and LILT scores.
Stage 7: Enact decisions
Stage 7 will be performed continuously, with major changes ideally made each summer. While the rubric should be reviewed each year, it may not always require revisions. Objectives/skill lists will similarly be reviewed each year, but not always revised. More frequent changes will be made to instruction sessions, handouts, quizzes, and feedback forms. Significant changes should be noted in the Library’s annual report, and when interesting findings are noted, these should be shared with stakeholders (faculty, students, administration).
*Return to Stage 1