There are some tricks to entering your keywords that might help you achieve better results.
- If you have a phrase you are looking for like “peanut butter”, put quotation marks around it to search for that exact phrase.
- There are words called Boolean operators, the most common of which are AND, OR, and NOT that you can use to create combinations of search terms.

AND narrows your search results by limiting your results to those that contain both words connected with AND. Searching “peanut butter” AND jelly will only provide results with both peanut butter and jelly in them. OR expands your search results by including results that contain one word, the other word, or both words. Searching “peanut butter” OR jelly will provide results with either peanut butter or jelly or both. NOT narrows your search results by limiting your results to those that contain the word you designate before NOT, but not the word after NOT. Searching “peanut butter” NOT jelly will eliminate all the results that have jelly in them, so the focus is on peanut butter.