This site contains the music and lectures delivered during the event Echoes from the Monastery: Medieval Liturgical Music in Today's Voices held April 23, 2022 at Christ the King Chapel on the Loras College Campus.
This event would not have been possible without the assistance of:
Dr. John Eby, Professor of History
Dr. Donna Heald, Provost and Academic Dean
Robert Klein, retired Library Director and founder of the Special Collections room
Rev. Karl Schroeder, the donor of the collection
Heidi Pettitt, Access Services and Special Collections Librarian
Kristen Smith, current Library Director
Our presenters:
Dr. Mary Anderson, Instruction, Outreach, & Assessment Librarian
Dr. David Pitt, Associate Professor of Theology
Peter Binder (‘22)
And The Loras Quartet:
Dr. Jeremiah Cawley, Assistant Professor of Music, tenor and music direction
Peter Binder, bass and organ
Jackson Miller, tenor
Maxwell Rutledge, countertenor and baritone
Funding was provided by a grant from the Iowa Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities as well as matching funds from Loras College.