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Are you looking for a way to enhance your teaching, save your students money, and contribute to the global knowledge commons? If so, consider applying for the OER stipend program at the Loras College Library.

loras college library open educational resourcesOER Stipends is a campuswide program that funds instructor efforts to replace their current textbooks with OER for enhanced student success. This program, funded by a gift to the library, is open to any faculty member who teaches for-credit courses at the college. If you are concerned about the cost or quality of your existing textbooks and would like to explore OER, this might be just the program you need. Use of library-licensed materials may also be considered. There is a range of awards, depending on the type of project you'd like to complete. OER can include textbooks, course readings, simulations, games, quizzes, and many other tools or techniques used in education.

Why use OER?

There are many benefits of using OER in your courses, such as:

  • Reducing costs for students - By using OER, you can help your students save money and reduce financial barriers to education.
  • Improving student learning outcomes - Studies have shown that students who use OER perform as well or better than those who use traditional textbooks and are more likely to complete their courses.
  • Tailoring resources to your students' needs - Because OER are openly licensed, you can amend them, add local examples, even involve your students in editing them.
  • Provide equal and disability-friendly access to learning materials - Unlike other low-cost methods, like putting items on reserve or sharing texts, OER provide equal access to all students, including those with disabilities, by offering electronic formats compatible with screen readers.

More information on Open Educational Resources is available on our OER guide, including links to research about OER.