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Presidential Documents


The Presidential Library system is composed of fourteen Presidential Libraries. These facilities are overseen by the Office of Presidential Libraries, in the National Archives and Records Administration.

The National Park Service oversees national parks and monuments. Generally, a national park contains a variety of resources and encompasses large land or water areas to help provide adequate protection of the resources. A national monument is intended to preserve at least one nationally significant resource. It is usually smaller than a national park. National monuments and national historical parks may include features associated with military history. National historical parks are commonly areas of greater physical extent and complexity than national historic sites. The title national memorial is most often used for areas that are primarily commemorative.They need not be sites or structures historically associated with their subjects.--National Parks: Index 

Presidential Libraries

National Monuments and National Historic Sites

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Unless otherwise noted, the content of these guides by Loras College Library, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Some icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.