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Research guide for the study of accounting, business, finance, marketing, and management.

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Find Biographical Information

Here are some tips for finding biographical information on your assigned business-person:

  • Enter you business-person's name in the search box above - if there are any book-length biographies of your person, they will show up in your results. Then come to the library and find the book on the shelf here - I can help you with that!
  • Depending on if you business-person is alive or deceased, choose one of the databases below. If deceased, use the New York Time Historical to find their obituary--this will provide you with a nice assessment of his/her impact. If living, use the US Newsstream database to find newspaper articles about the person. US Newsstream includes The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other American large and small newspapers. 
  • If these strategies are not working for you, come and find me in the library. Contact me using the information to the left.


Andrew Carnegie image

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Unless otherwise noted, the content of these guides by Loras College Library, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Some icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.