Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)
FDLP's mission is to "provide free, ready, and permanent public access to Federal Government information, now and for future generations."
Loras College Library was designated as a Federal depository library in 1967. We are one of 11 selective libraries for the state of Iowa.
The U.S. Congress first authorized the distribution of Government documents to universities, historical societies, and state libraries in 1813. The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has overseen the FDLP since 1895. Currently, over 1,100 libraries across the nation are members of the FDLP. For more information about the FDLP, visit FDLP.gov.
Public access to the government information collection is guaranteed by public law (Title 44 United States Code). The Library also provides expertise in government information sources, a selection of links to key government e-resources, and a circulating collection of government publications. These are listed in DuSearch (the Library catalog).