Staff are allowed to checkout 50 books at time. If you are close to the limit and need additional materials for your research, contact a librarian to discuss raising your limit.
We know your life is busy, so we try to give you plenty of time to use the materials you check out. In addition to long check out lengths we also allow you to renew your books two times for the same checkout length.
Material Type: | Checkout Length: |
Books from the main shelves | 15 weeks |
Popular reading books | 4 weeks |
PreK-12 materials | 4 weeks |
Educational media | 15 weeks |
Wilkie and Entertainment DVDs | 1 week |
Course reserve materials (most) | 2 hours |
May I renew my library materials?
Yes, but with the following exceptions:
To renew your materials, go to the Library's home page (
How do I renew materials if I'm not a Loras community member?
If you have any questions, please call 588-7189 for assistance.