...is a small Catholic liberal-arts college with around 1600 students, an 80-acre campus, and a history stretching over 150 years. Information about the college, its people, curricula, history, organizations, and community is located in a variety of sources.
Most of the sources listed in this guide are located in the main collection of the Loras College Library, as well as in the Loras College Archive, on the first floor of the library.
The letters "CDH" in the call-number of listed items signify the Center for Dubuque History, which closely co-exists with the college archive. The Loras College Archive houses an extensive collection of documents, records, papers, photographs, and publications relating to the college.
Specially-trained archival staff are available to help you with your work. Contact Heidi Pettitt for more information.
Remember that Loras College has had several other names:
- 1839 St. Raphael's Seminary
- 1850 Mount St. Bernard Seminary
- 1873 St. Joseph's College
- 1914 Dubuque College
- 1920 Columbia College
- 1939 Loras College